As part of an ambitious project to document and tell the stories of the most unique meeting places and social spaces in Vienna, we produced the first installment of the “Begegnungsorte” series. We’re happy to announce that they’ll be screened at the “why not” exhibition in Klagenfurt during the Architekturtage Corinthia.

About the exhibition: Why not?
Fr, 24.05.2019, 18:00
place: Siebenhügelstraße 2, 9020 Klagenfurt, Corinthia, Austria
“Why not” reactivates a former bowling club in Waidmannsdorf as a lab for exchange, meeting, learning, celebrating and working together. The exhibition shows the history of the place and it’s potentials for the growing district. download programm

entry free. further opening dates and guided tours:
Tue, 28. May / 4. June / 18. June from 15:00 till 18:00
Thu, 13. June / 27. June from 15:00 till 18:00
Fri, 31. May / 7. June / 14. June / 21. June / 28 June from 10:00 till 13:00 tours in German, English, Farsi/Dari and Arabic