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The Sea in me in the press
official selections:
2013: Arquiteturas Film Festival 2013, Lisbon, Portugal
2013: NWTS Open Air Film Festival, Batumi Beach, Georgia
2013: Movies in Wonderland/FrameOut Film Festival, Vienna, Austria
2013: Opuzen International Film Festival, Opuzen, Croatia
2013: Voices from the Waters Film Festival, Bangalore, India.
2013: Voices from the Waters Film Festival, Gothenburg, Sweden
2013: 5th Budapest Architecture Film Festival, Budapest, Hungary
2013: World Kids International Film Festival, Mumbai, India.
2012: Screening-Siemens Art, Istanbul
2012: Screening, Museon-The Hague, Netherlands
The Sea In Me is a documentary which tells the stories of the residents of a small coastal town. Their history, culture and way of living, which has evolved over centuries, based on a connection with the sea and nature, is being threatened by rapid and unplanned urbanization, increasing rates of migration, and the imposition of pre-fabricated, one-size-fits-all development methods.
From July 15, 2012 to September 1, 2012, Bahanur Nasya (architect) and Yilmaz Vurucu (writer, producer, director) lived as artists in residents for NWTS in Sinop, where they did on-site research, engaged with the local community and collaborated with local experts in the international context of Sinopale 4. During the residency period they produced a documentary that reflects upon the complex and layered coastal transitions and urban developments in Sinop. With these works they contribute to the International Contemporary Seacollection On Coastal Transitions of Satellietgroep to be shared with a broader audience.
We’re happy to announce numerous new film festival selections and screenings for The Sea in me!
The film has officially been selected to the following film festivals:
Movies in Wonderland/FrameOut Film Festival, Vienna, Austria (August 23rd, 2013. Location: Museums Quartier, Vienna, Austria. For more info: FrameOut)
Opuzen International Film Festival, Opuzen, Croatia (August 22nd, 2013. For more info visit the Film Festival’s official site: opuzenfilmfestival)
Voices from the Waters Film Festival, Bangalore, India. (September 1st, 2013. For more info visit: Voices From the Waters)
Voices from the Waters Film Festival, Gothenburg, Sweden. (September 1st, 2013. For more info visit: Voices From the Waters)
The Sea In Me has received its first film festival invitation. The Fifth Budapest Architecture film festival will be screening the film as part of its official selection program on March 2, 2013.
For more info, click here.
Ali Osman Aksu is working at the municipality of Ikizdere at the Black Sea region in Turkey and sent us the following feedback in Turkish, as he was touched by the ongoing loss of identity of our new buildings.
January, 2013
“Sayın Yılmaz VURUCU ve Bahanur NASYA Çalışmalarınızı ve gurubunuzu internet üzerinden görsel olarak inceledim, filmleri izledim, özellikle Sinop’la ilgili çalışmalarınız çekimlerinizi inceledim. Eski ile yeni nesil arasındaki benzetmeniz ve ” RÜHSUZ BİNALAR BETON YIĞINLARI “ beni çok duygulandırdı. Şunu anladım; eskilerimiz dedelerimiz kıt imkânlar içinde dahi yapılarında manevi bir hava bir güzellik varken bugün gelişmiş varlık içindeki Türk toplumu maneviyattan uzaklığını yaşam tarzlarının yavanlığını yapılara nasıl yansıdığını ve onları nasıl ruhsuzlaştırdığını görsellikten uzaklaştırdığını tespit ettiniz tebrik ederim. Ayrıca diğer çalışmalarınızı’ da çok beğendiğimi ve görebildiğim kadarıyla çok başarili olduğunuzu belirtmek isterim. Bu nedenle sizleri tebrik eder çalışmalarınıza başarılar dilerim.” Ali Osman Aksu/Ikizdere Kaymakamligi – Özel Kalem Müdürü
Tan Morgül, columnist for Turkish National Daily “Radikal”, wrote an article about The Sea In Me. You will find the English translation below, click on the title to read the Turkish version directly from the paper’s website.
“Bizim deniz” by Tan Morgül
our sea
Radikal Hayat / 10/12/2012
As we were watching “The Sea In Me”, a documentary shot in Sinop, we weren’t only witnessing the change in the lives of people and lost stories, but also how the “gorgeous old and sustainable houses” were being replaced with buildings lacking a soul.
Let’s start immediately, since the space reserved for us in this column is limited: We recently watched the documentary “The Se in me”, produced by architect Bahanur Nasya and director Yilmaz Vurucu at the Siemens art gallery. Satelliet Groep, Sinopale and Europist began an elegant/chic “artist in residence” cooperation at the Black Sea last year. They were looking for an architect and a director who would live in Sinop for two months and “document” their experiences. Xsentrikarts’ proposal, NAsya and Vurucu’s arts association, was selected and the team spent July and August in Sinop talking to the residents and shooting footage.
We mentioned this topic in our articles previously: We are from Pazar in Rize and in love with the green and blue of the world in general, and fanatic about the grean and blue of the Black Sea in particular.
Each pole built on that land, and each piece taken away from that geography hurts us tremendously. The Development based capitalist mindset has vowed to spoil the region, what ever we do has no effect since we can’t make our voices heard. Nasya and Vurucu also had difficulties reaching out to the administrators of the region. They were confronted with mistrust, as “if they were heading to undertake an antigovernmental project. Whereas in the context of history, the actions of the current rulers are the real opponents (of the country). However our topic is the documentary, so we should keep on topic.
The overall topic of the documentary is clear: The multilayer changes in the Black Sea, the disruption of the ecological balance and the effects of this on the fisheries, the construction of the coastal road, unplanned urbanisation, energy policies (thermal and nuclear power disasters), and the worst, the lost identity, knowledge, and authenticity of the region and migration… As none of the persons in charge would share their opinions/positions concerning the roots of the problems, they consulted the local community. All issues were portrayed through the daily lives of the people.
An excerpt from the abstract of the documentary: “We wanted to find a utopian fishing town, and compare it with an industrial city, but we soon realized that Sinop is neither an industrial city nor a fishermens town. In fact it has the characteristics of both: it has many (small) fishermen as well as big fishing ships and companies. Even tough the only production taking place in the city is thanks to fishing and the ship yard, the town policy is to get rid of it. Neverthless the culture of thousands of years of connection to the sea, and earning a living through the sea, still managed to preserve its place in their lives.”
Our addition to this discourse: The complete withdrawal from production, and concentrating all investment into a two month long tourism season (and not considering sustainability), filling the coastline with roads and concrete, (this would be with hotels in Sinop), thus suspending the relationship with the sea as well as with history and tradition, and trying to get more out of the sea than is invested into it, can quite naturally be defined as “madness”.‘they are stealing my memories of the city’
As can be seen in the documentary, the town has a both a sociological as well as historical connection to the sea and fishing. There are folk-songs which were sung about this connection… Stories and town myths tell about this connection. Most importantly, almost everyone has a (small) boat and a very strong relationship with the sea. ‘These connections make Sinop and its Sea special’ say the creators of the documentary…As we were watching “The Sea in me”, the documentary Sinop in , we not only lament about the change in lifestyle over the years and the lost stories, venues and affections, we also witnessed how “breathtaking old and sustainable house building techniques” which had evolved over centuries in unison with the climate, environment and topography, were replaced with soul-less, (his)story-less, dead buildings. The topic is deep and heavy, let’s hear it from Hale Oguz, one of the interviewees in the documentary: “A person’s identity is constructed through the feeling of belonging to somewhere. They steal the memories I have of this city, and I lose my sense of belonging here. Bad urbanization makes me lose my hopes. The same time I lose my memories, I also loose all hope, this is something which is equivalent to death…’
Let’s continue with Nasya&Vurucu: ‘But Sinop has a uniquely attractive characteristic, it still hasn’t totally lost its culture and structure. People still line up across the pier to fish, the yacht club is still functioning, small fishermen still exist and the sea culture is still a big part of the city, ships are still built/repaired. By developing these traits, they can still manage to carry them into the future.’
Many topics have been left out. We wanted to mention the future plans. But this is a newspaper article in the end, and the real talk makes sense after watching the movie… Let’s finish with this: A special saying in the documentary still echoes in our ears, a beautiful example of fishing culture and the talents of the fishermen “In Sinop people catch to fish, they sell one to buy Raki with the money, and they use the second one as an appetizer:” Isn’t life just beautiful?!
Ehlikeyfin türküsü: Belgeselden yadigar, Topal Süleyman’ın torunu emekli avukat Vural Etyemez’in söylediği ‘Efe Alayı’ türküsüyle nefes alalım. (Şarkıda geçen mercan balığına dikkat; Karadeniz’de mercan, vay anam vay!)
Tersaneden kalktı efe alayı
Millet bahçesinde verdik molayı
Aman Hakkı reis, nedir kolayı
Bu sene balıkçılık pek yaman kaçtı
Laka laka lak lak
Şıngırlak şıngırlak şıngırlaka lak lak
Dalgaya bak, çek mastor çek
Kalkalım hey-heeey
Yüksek gazinoda yanar lambalar
Topal Süleyman söyler güzel kantolar
Tarakçının Mustafa göbek çalkalar
Çifte naraları pek yaman kaçtı
Mercan balığına attık oltayı
Kefali görünce geriye kaçtı
Palamut ağ içinde alevler saçtı
Bu sene balıkçılık pek yaman kaçtı
The Sea In Me is on Exhibition at the Siemens Art Gallery in Istanbul
december 5, 2012 – January 25, 2013
exhibition: Films on North Sea and Black Sea exhibited throughout December and January.
Siemens Sanat – Istanbul
daily (including Chrismas)
Program of the exhibition composed by Satellietgroep in collaboration with European Cultural Association/Europist at Siemens Sanat Istanbul Dec 4 2012 – Jan 25 2013.New works by artist Maurice Bogaert (NL), architect Bahanur Nasya & filmmaker Yilmaz Vurucu (TR) , who were 6 weeks artist in residence in Sinop (TR) and in The Hague (NL) for ‘Now Wakes The Sea’ in the context of ‘Sinopale 4 – International Sinop Biennial’ and the celebration of 400 years relations Netherlands – Turkey, called NLTR400. Framed within the context of a special duo film program with works by Turkish and Dutch artists and filmmakers: Eliane Esther Bots, Zeger Reyers, Cevdet Erek, Barbara Hanlo, Merve Kayan & Zeynep Dadak, Aram Tanis & Jacolijn Verhoef, Rüya Arzu Köksal & Aydın Kudu, Kees Bolten, Imre Azem, BNA. | |
december 4, 2012
Siemens Sanat – Istanbul
Hosts: Satellietgroep, European Cultural Association/Europist & Siemens Sanat Istanbul | |
An article was written about The Sea In Me in Turkish tourism news portal “Turizm Haberleri”. You’ll find the article below.
“DENIZ ARTIK UYANIYOR sergisi 4 Aralik’ta Istanbul’da” by Nilgün Atar
“Now Wakes the Sea/Deniz Artık Uyanıyor” sergisi, 4 Aralık 2012 – 25 Ocak 2013 tarihleri arasında, İstanbul Siemens Sanat’ta sanatseverlerle buluşacak.Nilgün ATAR-ÖZEL
30 Kasım 2012 Cuma – NİLGÜN ATAR- ÖZEL HABER
Hollanda-Türkiye arasındaki diplomatik ilişkilerin 400. yıl kutlamaları kapsamında, Satellietgroep, Avrupa Kültür Derneği ve Sinopale işbirliğiyle gerçekleştirilen ” Deniz Artık Uyanıyor ” sergisi; kıyı bölgelerinde gelişen ekonomi, ekolojik değişimler ile bunların yerel kültürlere ve yaşam biçimlerine etkisi, göç ve toplumsal transformasyon konularına dikkat çekmeyi hedefliyor.
Sinopale Bienali sürecinde gerçekleştirilen başarılı çalışmalar birbirine eklenerek hem Türkiye’de hem de yurtdışında sergilenmeye ve farkındalık yaratmaya devam ediyor. Bahanur Nasya ve Yılmaz Vurucu tarafından çekimi Sinop’ta gerçekleştirilen ” The Sea in me ” -İçimdeki Deniz Belgeseli’de Türkiye’nin en Kuzey kıyısından yola çıkarak tüm dünyayı dolaşmayı hedefleyen çok ses getiren örnek bir proje olarak yurtiçi ve yurtdışı basında geniş yer aldı.
4 Kasım 2012 tarihinde Hollanda’nın Lahey kentinde galası gerçekleştirilen The Sea in me filminin çok beğenildiğini, ulusal ve yerel basında geniş yer aldığını ve övgü ile gündeme getirildiğini belirten Yapımcı Bahanur Nasya; belgeselin Macaristan ve Hollanda’da bulunan iki film festivaline davetiye aldığını söyledi.
4 Aralık 2012 tarihinde İstanbul Siemens Sanat’ta gerçekleşecek ” Deniz artık uyanıyor ” sergisinin ardından hedeflerinin filmi mümkün olduğu kadar fazla insanla paylasmak olduğunu belirten Nasya; ” bu özel gösterimlerin yanı sıra, film festivallerine de başvurular gerçekleşecek. Bunun için de sponsorlara ihtiyacımız olduğunu sizlerin aracılığı ile duyurmak istiyoruz. ” dedi.
Yapımcı ve yönetmen Yılmaz Vurucu-Bahanur Nasya; özelliklerle keyifli çalışmaları paylaştıkları, belgesele büyük katkı sağlayan Sinopluları İstanbul’daki sergiye davet ediyor.
Aralık ayında Istanbul’da Siemens Sanat’da gerçekleştirilecek Deniz artık Uyanıyor sergisi 2 ay boyunca sanatseverlerle buluşacak. 4 Aralık 2012 tarihinde açılışı yapılacak sergi aynı zamanda “Kıyı Bölgelerindeki Dönüşüm ve Kültür ” başlıklı panele de ev sahipliği yapacak.
“Kıyı Bölgelerindeki Dönüşüm ve Kültür ” Paneline Asu Aksoy, Ronald Boer, T. Melih Görgün, Jacqueline Heerema, Rüya Köksal ve Aydın Kudu, Mahir Namur, XsentrikArts (Bahanur Nasya ve Yılmaz Vurucu) konuşmacı olarak katılacaklar. Moderatörlüğünü Mürteza Fidan’ın yapacağı panel 4.12.2012 Salı günü saat:17:00 de gerçekleştirilecek. (İngilizce-Türkçe simultane tercüme yapılacaktır.)
“Deniz Artık Uyanıyor ” Sergi Açılışına eserleriyle katılacak sanatçıların isimleri ise şöyle: Aram Tanis & Jacolijn Verhoef, Barbara Hanlo, BNA, Cevdet Erek, Eliane Esther Bots, İmre Azem, Kees Bolten, Maurice Bogaert, Merve Kayan & Zeynep Dadak, Rüya Arzu Köksal & Aydın Kudu, XsentrikArts (Bahanur Nasya & Yılmaz Vurucu), Zeger Reyers
Küratörler: Jacqueline Heerema, Ronald Boer, Eliane Esther Bots, Mürteza Fidan, T. Melih Görgün
Tarih: 4 Aralık 2012, Salı
Saat: 19:00
Sergi Süresi: 5 Aralık 2012 – 25 Ocak 2013
The Sea In Me appeared in the national press’ of many countries. You’ll find screen captions of the Dutch, Austrian and Turkish press coverage of the documentary below.
for more information, please contact us
november 6, 2012
Screening & Dabate
17:30 – 22:00
Films & Artist Talks on the position of artists, architects & filmmakers in transitionprocesses at Gemak, Paviljoensgracht 20-24 in The Hague. Free program with screenings, Turkish meal and artist talks by international artists/architects/filmmakers in residence in The Hague: Imre Azem & Gaya Günay, Maurice Bogaert, Michelle Duncan, Henrik Lund Jørgensen, Bahanur Nasya & Yilmaz Vurucu.
Moderator: Simone Pekelsma (sociologist).
Hosts: Satellietgroep, Gemak & Wander | |
pictures of the screening & artist talk in GEMAK
copyright by Satellietgroep/Rob te Riet – please contact us before you use the images.
november 4, 2012
Moderator: Jord den Hollander (architect/filmmaker). Welcome & Introduction on ‘North Sea-Black Sea’ by Jan de Graaf (urbanist). Due to our guests from abroad the language is English.
Debate on ‘Culture & Coastal Transitions’ themed around the question: ’How do we negotiate and make sustainable coastal areas when coastlines are under great pressure due to consumption, tourism, economical and political interests?’
Guestspeakers: Cees de Graaf (director of SICA), Imre Azem (filmmaker of ‘Ekumenopolis – City without limits’), Lodewijk van Nieuwenhuijze (landscape architect HNS, IABR ‘Making City Istanbul’), Ine Gevers (curator ‘Ja Natuurlijk’ Gemeentemuseum The Hague), Simone Pekelsma (sociologist), Bram Esser (philosopher).

The project ‘Now Wakes The Sea’ (NWTS) is initiated by Dutch Satellietgroep and involves research based artist in residence programs for artists/architects/filmmakers in coastal transition areas in countries surrounding the Black Sea and North Sea to develop new works, select existing works and program traveling filmfestivals for public screenings and debates on venues, both on the coast of the Black Sea as on the North Sea. First step in the cultural exchange project is the inspiring collaboration with European Cultural Association/Europist (TR) in the context of ‘Sinopale 4, International Sinop Biennial’ and the celebration of NLTR400 in 2012.
Summer 2012 Maurice Bogaert (artist), Bahanur Nasya (architect) and Yilmaz Vurucu (writer, producer, director) were 6 weeks artists in residents for NWTS in Sinop on the Turkish coast of the Black Sea. They did on-site research, engaged with the local community and collaborated with local experts in the international context of Sinopale 4. During the residency period new works were developed that reflect on the complex and layered coastal transitions and urban developments in Sinop. Public Artist Talks, screenings, lectures, workshops, debates and the exhibition were part of the program in Sinop.
These works contribute to the International Contemporary Seacollection On Coastal Transitions of Satellietgroep to be shared with a broader audience. Satellietgroep composes traveling film and debateprograms along the coastal communities in the various countries, thus also interconnecting these coastal communities. In preparation is the exchange in 2013 with Russia in the context of NLFR2013, Moldova and Georgia.
NL/NWTS: Jacqueline Heerema, Ronald Boer (landscape architect), Eliane Esther Bots (filmmaker)
TR/SINOPALE: Mahir Namur, Melih Görgün and the team of Sinopale 4.
With special thanks to Museon, Gemak, Wander, European Cultural Association/Europist, SICA, SfA, ECF the municipality of The Hague and the Dutch Embassy in Turkey.
pictures of the dutch Premiere in MUSEON
copyright by Satellietgroep/Rob te Riet – please contact us before you use the images.
stills of the documentary
copyright by XsentrikArts – please contact us before you use the images.
coverage by the press: Sept/Oct 2012
press report in turkish: “Sinop’ta, denizle iç içe yaşamak…” in zaman
turkish national newspaper
zaman – Sinop’ta, denizle iç içe yaşamak..
Viyana’da yaşayan yönetmen Yılmaz Vurucu ile mimar Bahanur Nasya, doğa ve denizle iç içe yaşamanın nasıl zengin ve parlak bir kültür oluşturduğunu göstermek ve bu kültürün ivedilikle korunması gerektiğini anlatmak üzere bir belgesel film çekti: “İçimdeki Deniz”. … read more l pdf version
press report in turkish: “Icimdeki deniz” in Sinop Gündem
turkish local newspaper; for the Sinopease living in Istanbul
august 23, 2012
Venue: Hal Binası, Sinop Turkey
Public Screenings and Artists Talks by artists in residence of Satellietgroep in Sinop:
Bahanur Nasya &Yılmaz Vurucu: ‘The Sea In Me-Icimdeki Deniz’.
Maurice Bogaert: ‘Artist in Residence/Guest Worker-Konuk Sanatci/Misafir Isci’ and ‘Everything Will Be Beautiful-Hersey Harika Olacak’.
‘You know you’ve become a part of the city when you can’t go out for a stroll without bumping into, and conversing with, at least 10 people along the way.’ (Yilmaz)
From July 15 untill August 30 Maurice Bogaert (artist), Bahanur Nasya (architect) and Yilmaz Vurucu (writer, producer, director) were artists in residents for NWTS in Sinop. They researched on-site, engaged with the local community and collaborated with local experts in the international context op Sinopale 4. During the residency period new works are developed that reflect on the complex and layered coastal transitions and urban developments in Sinop. With these works they contribute to the International Contemporary Seacollection On Coastal Transitions of Satellietgroep to be shared with a broader audience.
“We all arrived in Istanbul on July 15th. We had agreed to meet up at the bus station (Otogar) for a long bus ride to the northern most point of Turkey: Sinop. Even though we had never met before, the densely hot air, the overwhelmingly populated crowd and the raucous noise caused by (among other things) the sounds of engines and the vocal performances of bus drivers yelling out their final destinations couldn’t prevent us from spotting each other. Long live Facebook, or perhaps the fact that it was not so difficult to spot a sweaty Dutch guy with a backpack from among the crowd. We had just enough time for a çay before heading out for our long and arduous 12 hour bus ride to Sinop.
In Sinop we were met by Melih Görgün who showed us around and introduced us to Sinop and the Sinopale crew. A welcoming start to a great, intensive and inspiring stay/working period for all three of us. During the first two weeks, the three of us travelled intensely and explored the city, its surroundings and of course, its people. By the end of our first week, we realized that we had already become a part of the city, as every stroll we took resulted in us bumping into and conversing with numerous people along the way. We also explored the habits of the locals, the beauty of Sinop as well as its peculiarities. Following our initial ‘research’ phase, we moved onto the next phase: producing the work and preparing the presentation for the 23rd.
Since August 1 the Sinopale office is fully operative and the artistic production process is underway. Everyday, the group of artists, curators, organizers and fantastic volunteers is growing.” Maurice, Bahanur & Yilmaz
‘The Sea in me – Icimdeki Deniz’
“Following extensive research on the culture, architecture, and history of the area, we arrived in Sinop to shoot a documentary film. Our initial goal was to reveal the recent developments along the Black Sea coast, and how it effects the residents of this area. After a period of research on site, we realized that the stories of the residents of Sinop already contained these topics within them. So we decided to produce a documentary which tells the stories of a small coastal town on the Black Sea coast. Through their stories, we knew that the topics of rapid urbanization, unbalanced development, migration and social change would be revealed, and our hunch turned out to be correct.”
“We followed a fisherman as he waited for the sea to warm up so he could collect mussels to make a living, musicians as they performed local songs for us, a family in a village close to the sea coast, the story of a family devastated by a sea accident which took place more than 30 years ago… We conducted numerous interviews with residents from all walks of life… In short, they opened their homes and lives to us, and we opened our lenses and f-stops, and captured their thoughts, daily routines, hopes, aspirations, stories and tragedies. Our goal is to reveal how centuries of coexistence with nature and the sea has created a rich and vibrant culture, one which needs to be maintained and not sacrificed to the norms of what we define as global modernity. We hope that ‘The Sea In Me’ will provide a unique insight into the relationship between humans and the sea.” Yilmaz
pictures of the work in progress screening
copyright by XsentrikArts – please contact us before you use the images.